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Media Mentions

Heidi's research has been regularly cited in newspapers and magazines around the world. Below is a list of all media publications with citations of her work, where the latest mentions have focused on her research in pandemic communications and digital platform safety.

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2021 2020 2019 • 2018 and before


June 1, 2021. COVID-19 variant of concern B.1.1.7 has a new name: Alpha. Will it stick? Maclean’s.

May 28, 2021. B.C.’s COVID-19 restart plan welcome but couple postpones wedding again. Canadian Press.

May 18, 2021. How Ashish Jha became network TV’s everyman expert on Covid. STAT News

May 16, 2021. COVID-19: Fraser Health becomes “flexible, agile and adaptable” to cool hot spots. Vancouver Sun

May 15, 2021. COVID-19: B.C. pushes vaccine registration as only 260,000 are signed up who haven’t had jab. Vancouver Sun.

May 15, 2021. COVID-19 gender gap: B.C. women are getting vaccinated at higher rates than men. Vancouver Sun.

May 9, 2021. UBC policy professor calls for politicians to take accountability for B.C.’s COVID data leak. City News 1130.

May 6, 2021. COVID-19: B.C. physicians say vaccine is safe for pregnant women, young teens. Vancouver Sun.

May 2, 2021. Do not book: British Columbians asked not to double up on first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. CTV News Vancouver

May 1, 2021. Avoid shaming, build trust to combat vaccine hesitancy, southern Manitoban pastor says. CBC Manitoba.

April 29, 2021. The translator kids. If family members don’t know English, how do you keep them safe and informed in a pandemic? The Tyee.

April 29, 2021. When might the wait time between shots of two-does COVID-19 vaccines be reduced? CTV News

April 29, 2021. B.C.’s ‘new and innovative’ pop-up vaccine clinics halted amid backlash and mea culpas. CTV Vancouver.

April 28, 2021. She was nervous to get vaccinated, but Winnipeg woman is now encouraging others to get their shot. CBC Manitoba.

April 27, 2021. We need guidelines for the partly vaccinated and we need them soon. TVO.

April 22, 2021. What’s gone wrong in Canada. The Spinoff, New Zealand.

April 13, 2021. Is B.C.’s COVID-19 messaging getting through? City News 1130.

April 9, 2021. B.C.‘s lack of COVID-19 social media messaging leading to uninformed youth: experts. City News 1130.

March 29, 2021. Youth also at back of vaccine queue. Winnipeg Free Press

March 30, 2021. "B.C. Premier Backtracks on Blaming Young People for Rise in Covid-19 Cases." Global News BC.

March 23, 2021. „Die Macht der Magnaten: Ist Meinung käuflich? Seit es Massenmedien gibt, versuchen Pressezaren, die Öffentlichkeit zu beeinflussen“ (The Power of Magnates: Can opinions be bought? Ever since there was mass media, media moguls have been trying to influence the public). Zeitgeschichte.


March 17, 2021. “Manitoba campaign aims to combat COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. CBC

March 13, 2021. “COVID-19: Radio station at SFU temporarily suspends program linked to website with pandemic conspiracy theories. Vancouver Sun.


March 12, 2021. “Threading the needle: Health officials face tough challenge in crafting messaging to encourage vaccinations: everything changes, but nothing changes. Winnipeg Free Press

March 04, 2021. “Rosemary Ganley: Wit and worry after a year of COVID-19 in Peterborough. The Peterborough Examiner (Opinion).

February 25, 2021. “Threats against Dr. Bonnie Henry 'unacceptable,' B. C. health minister says. CBC

February 24, 2021. “Conspiracists fantasizing Dr. Henry's execution part of troubling trend, experts say. City News 1130

February 22, 2021. “Some watch B. C. 's COVID-19 briefings 'religiously.' Others have tuned out. CBC. (Coverage of Democratic Health Communications during COVID-19: A RAPID Response)

February 18, 2021. “Health professionals cautiously optimistic as B. C.'s COVID-19 vaccination program begins in earnest. CBC

February 12, 2021. “Interview with Heidi Tworek. UBC Okanagan

January 24, 2021. “Lack of transparency about Manitoba's vaccine eligibility plan erodes public trust: health experts. CBC

January 17, 2021. “It’s cold, it’s dark, we’re tired. Canada, meet the COVID-19 wall. Toronto Star

2021 appearances


December 30, 2020. “A Peek Into COVID-19 Vaccine Branding: What’s in a Name?” FDA News

December 21, 2020. “We need to get past the COVID shaming for public health’s sake.” Salt Lake Tribune

December 18, 2020. “COVID-19 vaccines offer B. C. residents hope for the future.” Georgia Straight

December 15, 2020. “‘I haven’t even told my wife’: Inside the frantic and secretive sprint to name the Covid-19 vaccines.” STAT News

December 11, 2020. “‘Respond with empathy’: B. C. expert breaks down COVID vaccine myths, reasons for hesitancy.” Black Press Media (through the Abbotsford News). 

December 09, 2020. “COVID-19 is a dress rehearsal for next pandemic.” Vancouver Sun.

December 02, 2020. “Pandemic Decision-making requires politics and science work 'hand in glove:' expert.” CBC.

November 30, 2020. “Small number of anti-maskers in B. C. compared with other places in the world: UBC professor.” InfoNews

November 29, 2020. “Inside the communications battle to reach pandemic-weary Canadians.” Globe & Mail.

November 27, 2020. “Feds need to flex creative muscles in pandemic messaging, say experts.” Hill Times

November 24, 2020. “N. B. COVID-19 roundup: Some classes go online, testing sites boosted after 5 new cases.” CBC

November 23, 2020. “Ontario looks to extend term of top public-health doctor in face of NDP criticism.” Globe & Mail

November 19, 2020. “Facebook warriors': A pandemic of hoaxes undermining efforts to stop COVID-19.” The StarPhoenix

November 17, 2020. “The pandemic has proven that the individual is not supreme.” MacLeans

November 09, 2020. “Clear messages are essential in fight against COVID-19, says UBC researcher.” CBC

November 09, 2020. “U. S. Tops 10 Million Cases Amid COVID-19 Surge.” WebMD

November 05, 2020. “When Democracy Meets Efficiency: How Communication Can End the Pandemic.” Institut Montaigne. (Coverage of "Democratic Health Communications during COVID-19: A RAPID Response")

November 04, 2020. “‘Science was on the ballot’: How can public health recover from a rebuke at the polls?” STAT News

November 01, 2020. «Des chercheurs tentent de quantifier la haine politique en ligne» (Researchers attempt to quantify political hate online). CBC(Coverage of "Trolled on the Campaign Trail: Online Incivility and Abuse in Canadian Politics")

November 01, 2020. “Trolled out of office: UBC report examines role of online abuse against politicians and democracy.” CBC. (Coverage of "Trolled on the Campaign Trail: Online Incivility and Abuse in Canadian Politics)

October 30, 2020. “Trolled on the campaign trail: Why we must deal with the online harassment of Canadian politicians.” Globe & Mail (Opinion).  (Coverage of "Trolled on the Campaign Trail: Online Incivility and Abuse in Canadian Politics")

October 29, 2020. “BC’s New Legislature Is Still Way Whiter than the Province.” The Tyee. (Coverage of "Trolled on the Campaign Trail: Online Incivility and Abuse in Canadian Politics")

October 26, 2020. “Low voter turnout in B. C. pandemic election likely a 'blip,' say experts.” Vancouver Sun

October 24, 2020. “Western Canada: It’s B. C. election day, but results likely won’t be ready for weeks.” Globe & Mail

October 23, 2020. “B. C.’s embrace of mail-in votes likely to delay election results.” Globe & Mail

October 16, 2020. “Don’t Shame Your Neighbors.” New York Times (Opinion). 

October 15, 2020. “Facebook changes ahead of B. C. election not enough: UBC prof.” City News 1130

October 14, 2020. “Public-health officials look to change their messaging after surge in COVID-19 cases in Edmonton.” Globe & Mail

October 14, 2020. “Western Canada: In Edmonton, a surge in new COVID-19 infections shows public-health messages are not getting through.” Globe & Mail

October 01, 2020. “COVID and Climate Change Should Be the UN's Priority, New Global Poll Says.” Vice

September 25, 2020. “B. C. Election 2020: Political proxies get dirty while candidates keep it clean.” Vancouver Sun

September 25, 2020. “Death threats among abuse reported by B. C. Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry, other officials.” Globe & Mail

September 23, 2020. “B. C. Election 2020: Social media voter targeting still a Wild West for campaigning.”

September 23, 2020. “BC NDP spent 10 times as much on social media ads before election call.” CTV News

September 23, 2020. “Rules are few when targeting voters in cyberspace.” Vancouver Sun.

September 22, 2020. “COVID-19 in B. C.: Eight schools with cases, active cases decrease, and Dr. Bonnie Henry targeted by threats.” Georgia Straight

September 18, 2020. “An expert’s take on what the U. S., U. K did wrong in Covid-19 communications — and what others did right.” STAT News

August 14, 2020. “Inside the multibillion dollar race for a Covid-19 vaccine.” CNN

August 13, 2020. “The West is being left behind as it squanders Covid-19 lessons from Asia-Pacific.”  CNN

July 28, 2020. “As the November Election Approaches, Are Newsrooms Ready for Guccifer 3.0?"  Nieman Reports

July 16, 2020. “The muddled public message on coronavirus isn't just confusing. It's harmful.” CNN

July 15, 2020. “What you need to know about coronavirus on Wednesday, July 15.” CNN

June 12, 2020. “Confederate flags flying: Confederate flags being noticed more in the Okanagan.” Castanet

May 29, 2020. “COVID-19 and the Anti-Asian Pandemic.” Our Times

May 29, 2020. “Swastika found at trailhead: Local man paints over racist symbol sprayed on rock at trailhead.” Castanet

May 15, 2020. “Getting your book read when you’re a humanities scholar.” University Affairs.  (Coverage of News from Germany: The Competition to Control World Communications, 1900-1945)

April 09, 2020. “We need a new, depoliticised World Health Organization.” Financial Times.  (Coverage of "Communicable Disease: Information, Health, and Globalization in the Interwar Period")

March 05, 2020. “Redefining Free Speech for the Digital Age.” Slate

February 26, 2020. “Racist incidents on the rise in the Okanagan as coronavirus spreads.” Kelowna Capital News

February 26, 2020. 「卑大教授籲媒體傳播『正能量』 疫情起源地命名 引發種族歧視」 (UBC Professor Appeals to Media for ‘Positive Coverage,’ Naming Pandemic with Geographical Origin Triggers Racial Discrimination). Ming Pao Vancouver

February 25, 2020. “Racist incidents on the rise in the Okanagan as coronavirus spreads.” The Lake Country Calendar

January 29, 2020. “Online claims that Chinese scientists stole coronavirus from Winnipeg lab have ‘no factual basis.’” CBC News. 

2020 appearances


November 22, 2019. Is the battle to define political advertising unwinnable?.” Euronews

October 02, 2019. Paying for your attention: Who's putting political ads in your news feed?” CTV News

October 01, 2019. Le discours haineux sous la loupe des chercheurs” (Hate speech under the magnifying glass of researchers). Québec Science.

September 22, 2019. UBC researcher studying online abuse of candidates during federal election.” City News 1130

September 10, 2019. Echoes of an extreme past.” E&T Magazine

August 02, 2019. „Falsche Nachrichten hat es immer gegeben“ (There has always been false news). Tagesspiegel

July 17, 2019. „Was hinter dem Hass rechter Männer steckt“ (What lies behind the hatred from right-wing men). Tagesspiegel

July 16, 2019. No, Gerald Butts doesn't have $23 million.” National Observer

June 21, 2019. Author Q&A: Heidi Tworek’s new book shows information warfare has a long history.” Vancouver Sun. (Coverage of News from Germany: The Competition to Control World Communications, 1900-1945)

May 16, 2019. Brussels launches co-ordinated fight against fake news as EU election nears.” Globe & Mail

May 16, 2019. Who burned Notre Dame? Brussels goes after fake news as EU election nears.” Reuters

May 13, 2019. How to Fight Online Hate, and Protect Free Speech.” The Tyee. (Coverage of "Poisoning Democracy: How Canada Can Address Harmful Speech Online")

April 06, 2019. „Die erstaunlichen Parallelen der Hitler-Zeit zu heute“ (The astounding parallels between the Hitler era and today). Tagesspiegel

April 02, 2019. Crumbling foundations: Declining enrollment numbers loom over under-funded humanities departments.” The Badger Herald.

March 13, 2019. The wild side of discovery, a history of information warfare, and the immune system uncovered: Books in brief.” Nature. (Coverage of News from Germany: The Competition to Control World Communications, 1900-1945

February 23, 2019. As tech giants grow ever more powerful, Canada and others are under pressure to act.” Toronto Star

January 15, 2019. Our Campus: News historian Dr. Heidi Tworek listens to the ‘silences of history.’” The Ubyssey

2019 appearances

2018 and Before

December 06, 2018. Why Tumblr's ban on adult content is bad for LGBTQ youth.” The Conversation.

March 12, 2018. Drowning in News? Learn to Swim.” Politico.

February 25, 2018. Can Nikki Haley Distance Herself from the Growing White House Scandals?” PassBlue.

February 14, 2018. «Bruselas presentará en primavera propuestas frente a la manipulación en las redes» (Brussels to present proposals in spring to tackle network manipulation). El País.

January 24, 2018. What the Pope Gets Wrong About Fake News.” Politico.

September 20, 2017. „Waffen im Cyberkrieg: Wie können die Nutzer besser geschützt werden? Experte forderen eine Organisation wie das Rote Kreuz“ (Weapons in Cyberwar: How can users be better protected? Experts call for an organization like the Red Cross.) Berliner Zeitung.

September 18, 2017. «Norcorea y crisis en Venezuela marcan Asamblea General de la ONU» (North Korea and crisis in Venezuela mark UN General Assembly). La Tercera.

September 09, 2017. How Will Trump Act at the UN? It’s Anyone’s Guess.” PassBlue.

July 12, 2017. Majority of Trump Voters Don’t Regularly Read His Tweets.” Morning Consult.

June 01, 2017. Faking it.” Exberliner.

May 05, 2017. Valuing the Humanities.” Syracuse University News.

March 26, 2017. «Misión de la ONU en Haití se acerca a su fin con balance mixto luego de casi 13 años» (UN Mission in Haiti nears its end with mixed record after nearly 13 years). La Tercera.

March 06, 2017. Navarro wants to address trade deficit with Germany, but policy moves unclear.” World Trade Online.

January 01, 2017. «Ban Ki-moon deja la ONU entre críticas y enfrenta posible opción presidencial» (Ban Ki-moon leaves UN amid criticism, faces possible presidential option). La Tercera.

November 17, 2016. «Obama se despide de una Europa inquieta» (Obama bids farewell to a restless Europe). El Universal.

September 18, 2016. «Adiós al mandato amargo de Ban ki-Moon en la ONU» (Farewell to Ban ki-Moon's bitter mandate at the UN). El País.

June 01, 2016. What Can One Photo Tell Us About the Media and 2016?” Politico.

April 13, 2016. Metric Matters: Presenting the April Issue of Perspectives on History.” Perspectives on History.

December 10, 2015. The feminization of the humanities.” The Daily Princetonian (Opinion).

March 03, 2015. The Secretary General in His Labyrinth.” The New Republic.

February 25, 2014. How BuzzFeed is Like a Parisian Café.”Harvard Political Review.

2018 appearances
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